What can you do when anxiety rises?

Practical grounding exercises to help ease anxiety and panic What can you do in those moments when you find yourself becoming overwhelmed by anxiety, when you feel panic rising and you cannot reason with yourself about the way you are thinking and feeling? When anxiety rockets we need something to quickly break the spiral of […]

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Stress

A case study showing how hypnotherapy can make a real difference to a person’s life. For reasons of confidentiality, the name of this client has been changed. I have found anxiety and stress to be the most common reason why clients seek help through hypnotherapy. The anxiety often concerns relationship issues and it can manifest […]

Overcoming a Fear of Heights

It’s natural to have some fear of heights. Feeling a little jittery when you’re at a great height and you look down below is a perfectly normal and useful survival mechanism. However, for some people this circumstance can cause extreme panic and affect their quality of life. This was the case for Susan. Susan sought help […]