

Hypnotherapy helps to re-educate your mind in expectation of a good night’s sleep and make insomnia a thing of the past.

One in three people are affected by insomnia, including difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night or waking up early in the morning. The effects of prolonged sleeplessness can include low motivation, irritability, reduced immunity and weight gain. It can also impair your ability to function normally and enjoy life.

It’s so important to get a good night’s sleep. Not only is it a time when the body repairs itself and restores energy levels, but our brains need sleep too. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, a phase when dreaming occurs, is vital for learning, memory and also replenishing mood enhancing hormones.

How can hypnotherapy and hypnosis help with sleep?

Anxiety and stress are common causes of insomnia, and of course worrying about not sleeping only exacerbates the problem. If you think you won’t be able to sleep it’s almost certain that you won’t. It’s not long before a vicious cycle sets in whereby lack of sleep causes more anxiety and more expectations of not sleeping.

Hypnotherapy can help by addressing the underlying anxiety and stress, often caused by work, relationship, health or financial worries. In fact, many people who see a hypnotherapist for something they believe totally unrelated to sleep are amazed that their sleep improves as a consequence of dealing with the other thing.

Hypnotherapy involves the use of hypnosis combined with relaxation which in itself is one of the key elements in falling asleep easily. Through hypnosis we can re-train the mind into relaxing and develop new and positive expectations of sleep, allowing insomnia to fade into the past.


Here are the stories of two clients who had been struggling with insomnia for a long time. Through hypnotherapy they were able to relax and restore good sleep patterns.

Contact Carolyn on 07514 931 096 or email using the contact form to book a consultation.