Online Hypnotherapy Sessions

Online therapy sessions provide the perfect alternative to face to face sessions in a clinic.

At Carolyn Spiller Hypnotherapy I offer appointments online via Zoom.

To access hypnotherapy from the comfort of your own home all you need is:

  • One hour when you won’t be disturbed
  • A laptop, tablet or mobile phone with internet connection

Online hypnotherapy sessions are very similar to a face to face session, except you remain in your own home. You will need to find a quiet place where you are able to lie back and relax. A bedroom or sofa is ideal.

The first part of each session consists of solution-focused talking therapy. The second part of the session consists of the hypnotherapy itself. It is a very empowering process that helps you to make positive changes in your life using the best mindset. It is also a very relaxing and enjoyable experience.

How do online hypnotherapy sessions work?

To find out more about this service call Carolyn on 07514 931 096 or email using the contact form.