The Gut-Brain Connection and Treatment for IBS

The connection between our gut and our brain has become more and more apparent in recent years and there is now more evidence than ever of the strong links between gut health and mental wellbeing. The latest scientific studies have found that hidden in the walls of the digestive system we have a second brain. […]

Improving Your Wellbeing Through Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy and the use of hypnosis can help with many aspects of your health and wellbeing. In fact, many people who see a hypnotherapist for something quite specific are pleased to notice how other areas of their life also improve. In this blog I have included some common issues that can be helped through Solution […]

The Effects of Self-Kindness vs Self-Judgement

One of the topics that crops up in therapy sessions is self-kindness, and in particular the quality of our self-talk. Are we speaking to ourselves with kindness and compassion or are we full of self-judgement? If you observe another human being suffering you will most likely experience compassion for them and feel moved by their […]

Hypnotherapy for Tinnitus

A case study showing how hypnotherapy can effectively help with tinnitus For reasons of confidentiality, the name of this client has been changed. Living with tinnitus can cause anxiety and stress which in turn can make the tinnitus seem more noticeable and intrusive. When Matt sought help through hypnotherapy he had been struggling with tinnitus […]